New buildr development build pushed
Antoine Toulme
2016-08-24 05:40:51 UTC
Hi all,

I have pushed buildr-1.5.0.dev3 out. You can install it with `gem install buildr —pre`

We have accumulated a long set of changes (see below). Please, if you use Buildr, take this build for a spin and let us know how we’re doing. We are grateful for any feedback.

I plan to leave this build available for a couple of weeks at least.

Thank you!


* Change: Update RJB to 1.5.4
* Change: Update rubyzip to 1.2.0
* Change: Update hoe to 3.15.0
* Change: Update net-ssh to 3.1.1
* Change: Update json_pure to 1.8.3
* Change: Update diff-lcs to 1.2.5
* Change: Update xml-simple to 1.1.5
* Change: Update jekyll to 3.1.3
* Change: Update rdoc to 4.2.2
* Change: Update ecj to 4.5.1
* Change: Added jekyll-textile-converter 0.1.0 to generate the site.
* Change: Move to default on Scala 2.11.
* Change: Remove Buildr::Project#on_define, deprecated in 1.3
* Change: Remove JavaWrapper, deprecated in 1.3
* Change: Remove JUnit::REQUIRES, deprecated in 1.3.3
* Change: Remove TestNG::REQUIRES, deprecated in 1.3.3
* Change: Remove Buildr::Ant::REQUIRES, deprecated in version 1.3.3
* Change: Remove Buildr::CompileTask#classpath, deprecated in version 1.3
* Change: Remove Buildr::TestTask responding to :using with .using('foo','bar'), deprecated in version 1.3
* Change: Remove addon/buildr/cobertura.rb, deprecated since 1.3.4
* Change: Remove addon/buildr/emma.rb, deprecated since 1.3.4
* Change: Remove support for Rakefile/rakefile, deprecated.
* Change: Remove project#target, project#reports, deprecated.
* Change: Remove JBehave::REQUIRES, deprecated.
* Change: Remove JMock::REQUIRES, deprecated.
* Change: Remove ScalaCheck::REQUIRES, deprecated.
* Change: Change Eclipse Scala project natures from ch.epfl.lamp.sdt.core.scalanature to org.scala-ide.sdt.core.scalanature
* Added: Travis badge to README.rdoc
* Added: Added Rubygems badges to README.rdoc
* Added: BUILDR-577 Allow remote repo to be added with http basic auth support. Submitted by Michael Guymon.
* Added: BUILDR-523 Issue a warning when Java.classpath is modified after Java.load has happened
* Added: BUILDR-594 Added support for changing the verification mode of SSL certificates
* Added: BUILDR-595 Added support to providing custom SSL certificates
* Added: BUILDR-572 Allow to upload unique version (timestamp based) snapshot artifacts to a repository. Submitted by Brice Figureau.
* Fixed: BUILDR-207 remove 'Skipping tests' messages
* Added: BUILDR-703 release: allow THIS_VERSION to be defined in another file
* Fixed: BUILDR-674 Artifacts with bundle extension cannot be downloaded by Buildr
* Fixed: BUILDR-565 resources are not included in the war if defined after package call
* Fixed: BUILDR-621 ZipTask creates zip file with entries not sorted by path causing very slow unzipping.
* Fixed: BUILDR-695 transitive doesn't support ${project.parent.version} in POM.
* Fixed: BUILDR-653 Using Eclipse compiler (ECJ)
* Fixed: BUILDR-476 Buildr doesn't respect company repository manager
* Fixed: BUILDR-454 Definition-level parent-child references-by-name fail in 1.4.0 but not in 1.3.5. Submitted by Rhett Sutphin.
* Fixed: BUILDR-620 resources.filter should not run on non-text files
* Fixed: BUILDR-489 Java + Scala joint compiler fails if default encoding and source file encoding are not same and special characters have been used in source code
* Fixed: BUILDR-486 Buildr-generated poms should include dependencies
* Change: Update the custom_pom addon to generate poms with exclusions section that excludes
all transitive dependencies. This is required as buildr dependencies are not
transitive while Maven's dependencies are transitive by default.
* Change: Remove the BND aqute maven repository, as it was decomissioned. Use Maven Central instead.
Antoine Toulme
2016-09-08 05:12:53 UTC
I haven’t heard anything back.

There are a few doc and admin related tasks left for 1.5. I will close them over the next 2 weeks, and promote the first RC.

Anything else you’d like to see included for 1.5, now is the time!


Post by Antoine Toulme
Hi all,
I have pushed buildr-1.5.0.dev3 out. You can install it with `gem install buildr —pre`
We have accumulated a long set of changes (see below). Please, if you use Buildr, take this build for a spin and let us know how we’re doing. We are grateful for any feedback.
I plan to leave this build available for a couple of weeks at least.
Thank you!
* Change: Update RJB to 1.5.4
* Change: Update rubyzip to 1.2.0
* Change: Update hoe to 3.15.0
* Change: Update net-ssh to 3.1.1
* Change: Update json_pure to 1.8.3
* Change: Update diff-lcs to 1.2.5
* Change: Update xml-simple to 1.1.5
* Change: Update jekyll to 3.1.3
* Change: Update rdoc to 4.2.2
* Change: Update ecj to 4.5.1
* Change: Added jekyll-textile-converter 0.1.0 to generate the site.
* Change: Move to default on Scala 2.11.
* Change: Remove Buildr::Project#on_define, deprecated in 1.3
* Change: Remove JavaWrapper, deprecated in 1.3
* Change: Remove JUnit::REQUIRES, deprecated in 1.3.3
* Change: Remove TestNG::REQUIRES, deprecated in 1.3.3
* Change: Remove Buildr::Ant::REQUIRES, deprecated in version 1.3.3
* Change: Remove Buildr::CompileTask#classpath, deprecated in version 1.3
* Change: Remove Buildr::TestTask responding to :using with .using('foo','bar'), deprecated in version 1.3
* Change: Remove addon/buildr/cobertura.rb, deprecated since 1.3.4
* Change: Remove addon/buildr/emma.rb, deprecated since 1.3.4
* Change: Remove support for Rakefile/rakefile, deprecated.
* Change: Remove project#target, project#reports, deprecated.
* Change: Remove JBehave::REQUIRES, deprecated.
* Change: Remove JMock::REQUIRES, deprecated.
* Change: Remove ScalaCheck::REQUIRES, deprecated.
* Change: Change Eclipse Scala project natures from ch.epfl.lamp.sdt.core.scalanature to org.scala-ide.sdt.core.scalanature
* Added: Travis badge to README.rdoc
* Added: Added Rubygems badges to README.rdoc
* Added: BUILDR-577 Allow remote repo to be added with http basic auth support. Submitted by Michael Guymon.
* Added: BUILDR-523 Issue a warning when Java.classpath is modified after Java.load has happened
* Added: BUILDR-594 Added support for changing the verification mode of SSL certificates
* Added: BUILDR-595 Added support to providing custom SSL certificates
* Added: BUILDR-572 Allow to upload unique version (timestamp based) snapshot artifacts to a repository. Submitted by Brice Figureau.
* Fixed: BUILDR-207 remove 'Skipping tests' messages
* Added: BUILDR-703 release: allow THIS_VERSION to be defined in another file
* Fixed: BUILDR-674 Artifacts with bundle extension cannot be downloaded by Buildr
* Fixed: BUILDR-565 resources are not included in the war if defined after package call
* Fixed: BUILDR-621 ZipTask creates zip file with entries not sorted by path causing very slow unzipping.
* Fixed: BUILDR-695 transitive doesn't support ${project.parent.version} in POM.
* Fixed: BUILDR-653 Using Eclipse compiler (ECJ)
* Fixed: BUILDR-476 Buildr doesn't respect company repository manager
* Fixed: BUILDR-454 Definition-level parent-child references-by-name fail in 1.4.0 but not in 1.3.5. Submitted by Rhett Sutphin.
* Fixed: BUILDR-620 resources.filter should not run on non-text files
* Fixed: BUILDR-489 Java + Scala joint compiler fails if default encoding and source file encoding are not same and special characters have been used in source code
* Fixed: BUILDR-486 Buildr-generated poms should include dependencies
* Change: Update the custom_pom addon to generate poms with exclusions section that excludes
all transitive dependencies. This is required as buildr dependencies are not
transitive while Maven's dependencies are transitive by default.
* Change: Remove the BND aqute maven repository, as it was decomissioned. Use Maven Central instead.
Peter Donald
2016-09-11 10:22:55 UTC
I haven’t heard anything back.
Sorry about that was in a crazy death march and then just got back
from holiday tonight ;)

I did some preliminary testing and all was fine. I will push it out
through our ci tomorrow which should test ~100 build variations. I
will holler if anything jumps out.

Peter Donald